Dhowa Technos Co., Ltd., EIM Electric Co., Ltd., E.I.M. Control Systems Co., Ltd. and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as the "Group Companies") are pleased to announce the establishment of a new holding company named DEeRa Holdings Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "DEeRa") effective October 26, 2022.
As of February 15, 2023, all group companies have become subsidiaries (or sub-subsidiaries) of DEeRa. As a sustainable partner for various stakeholders, DEeRa will strive to develop various businesses, including new fields, to solve social issues with the company at its core.
We look forward to your continued support and cooperation.
Strengthen the functions of group management strategy
Accelerate decision-making across the group by clarifying authority and responsibilities
Maximize group synergy
Develop and train the next generation of managers